Against your better judgment, you've just checked your contact lens-enabled news feed. You're annoyed, because President Meghan McCain has just used the Trump Doctrine to "fire" Medicare's lead administrator over the botched roll-out of the Agency's block-chain claims payment system. The mild spike in sweat stress chemicals detected by your clothing sensors prompts a boost in the transcutaneous dosing of the blood pressure pharmaceuticals from the networked skin patch on your thigh.
It's the year 2030, and personalized "eDxTx" (ecosystems of Diagnosis and Treatment) has arrived for a lucky few who are able to afford it. That has created political headaches for the President and her campaign promise to bring Medicare out of the 20th century. Your decision to opt out of "Medicare for All" (a.k.a "TrumpCare") has been expensive, but worth it because your Geico insurance plan includes eHealth as a covered benefit. Geico's ability to automate all underwriting and claims handling means high service standards and keeping costs down. Plus, those video ads are still cool.
Thanks to ubiquitous wireless connectivity, cloud-based machine intelligence and mass-personalized medicine, you and your private doctor's team were able to configure a suite of customizable off-the-shelf apps that meet your goals for living well as well as long. The first step was your $2 psychometric, biomic and genetic testing (the expense of a mitochondrial analysis was offset with an agreement with the laboratory, Theranos, to pool your data with other customers) that spotlighted the optimum mix of nutrition and pharmaceuticals to blunt your risk of Type 15 Hypertension and GAB15a-linked gastrointestinal cancer.
As you sit down and use the heads up display in your lens to ponder the short-list of candidates to replace the fired administrator (a well-placed leak suggests it reportedly includes Elizabeth Holmes), the patch modulates your drug dosing to account for the change in body position.
You're hungry and looking forward to your specially tailored evening meal that is being drone-delivered to your patio in.... your contact lens again... 28 minutes.
This is one of the five days out of the week that you adhere to a configured meal of calories, carbs, proteins, fats, nutraceuticals, probiotics and prebiotics that's adjusted to meet your taste preferences. It will also achieve an optimal body fat percentage, and reduce your risk of cancer and a host of other chronic conditions. The other two days use competitive gamification that is linked to your online preferences to reward you with a real burger for meeting your nutrition goals. Not for everyone, but your behavioral reward profile suggested that that would help motivate you to stick to the diet. Who knew?
You ponder getting a burger tonight, but fight the temptation by triggering a mindfulness app through your lens. The lights in your living space also dim and a riff made up of an pleasing artificial jazz-indie chord progression offers a well-placed distraction.
Diet and risk reduction are not the only an ingredients you use to achieve your goal of living 105 years, but also participating in next month's Goggle Spartan Race. Come to think of it, time to tailor a set of 3D printed sneakers. You look forward to you and your personal life-drone (your spouse suggests it's more evidence of your narcissism; you've named it "Donald" to confirm her suspicions and annoy her) competing in a mix of virtual and real obstacles in a course of that includes real rope climbing and a virtual 3-D avatar obstacle course. The drone and wearables will network, monitor and heads-up display your neuro and cardiovascular dashboard for optimal performance. It will also use the same technology that they used in hospitals to anticipate any medical emergencies that could happen to you.
Naturally, your drone will use artificial intelligence to image, edit and securely post the race video for friends and family to view.
Naturally, your drone will use artificial intelligence to image, edit and securely post the race video for friends and family to view.
That's what you did last year, when the video also showed you twisting your ankle. You had to go to a treatment center and be evaluated the old fashioned way, where a doctor treated you. Some things never change, but avoiding those opaque bills and paying your deductible using virtual currency was so convenient.
As your pour yourself your recommended 1.2 ounces of bourbon (personalized by the distillery with a proprietary combination of esters and lactones to create your preferred finish), you reflect on how healthcare has changed since the days of in-home monitoring and physician teleconferencing. It worked well while it lasted, but was soon eclipsed by the cloud-based technology that combined physician intelligence ("physint") with Watson (artificial intelligence) that "scaled" in an era of fully automated care.
Sort of like the driverless car that will take you to next month's race.
Speaking of old fashioned cars, that eDxTx medical alert last year reminded you of that old fashioned "check engine" light. It seems a biochemical marker profile was consistent with the presence of an early stage tumor. Based on your past medical data, the calculated Bayesian risk that the tumor was real approached 1%. Watchful waiting using Medicare's IPAB guideline recommendations was raised as an option by your doctor, but you decided to undergo the additional testing to rule it out. Naturally, your insurance covered most of that cost.
You finish your bourbon after you get an alert that the pizza has arrived. You silently wish President McCain good luck. Some things never change.