Monday, 28 March 2016

Stop Over Complicating a Simple Process

The only hard thing about fitness is our negative thoughts.  We convince ourselves a disgusting diet is needed and endless hours of exercise are required. We go as far as considering it a burden and  a "cramp my lifestyle" occurrence. Instead of turning our nose up at the very thought of getting healthy, we need to stop over complicating a simple process.

Do you think people decades ago farming for a living to survive and working hard from sunrise to sunset worried about a diet?  They may have spent hours doing physical labor, but it was life and eating healthy.  Nothing complicated, just some sweat, and eating home cooking straight from the garden. Their bodies represented how they lived which unfortunately now is replaced by couch potato channel surfing and stuffing our faces with processed food.

Every nutrition source out there is going to tell you the same story about what is required.  No need to jump from diet to diet searching for some secret.  The problem is within our thoughts and unrealistic expectations.  You want to lose 20 pounds in a week and look like a fitness model.  Not going to happen.  We also want the process to be an easy quick fix requiring no workouts and drinking magic shakes while remaining on our sofas.  Wake up America!

Being fit and healthy is really simple.  Eat greens, grains, lean meats, healthy fats, drink lots of water and exercise at least 3 times per week.  Nothing hard about it and it's not a diet.  Why is this process considered boring, tasteless, and the end of fun in life?  Society and marketing have done a great job brainwashing people to believe a load of crap.

Eating a fresh organic crisp apple or perfectly grilled chicken breast are not what I call horrible.  Are you kidding me?  Remember eating celery stuffed with peanut butter?  Now that's a healthy treat full of flavor and fun.  Being fit will take tossing the food myths and getting real with your thoughts about health.  It will also require you to move your butt off the couch and into the gym.  Exercise is what you enjoy.  Love basketball?  Start playing.  Enjoy dancing?  Look into a Zumba class.  I like to use the kids jungle gyms at parks and play around on those doing pull-ups, step-ups, and triceps dips for example.  No more excuses or beliefs fitness is complicated and time to embrace the simplicity of the process. You can do it ... will you?  All in fitness love and Stay Healthy!

More great reads by yours truly "Parties, Food and Maintaining a Lean Body" and "Food Quality Not Calories is What Counts"

Read My Articles!

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Friday, 25 March 2016

How the Candidates Can Weigh In on Population Health

Watching March Madness (Go Villanova!) ads and the accompanying Political Silly Season news have alerted the Population Health Blog to the very real possibility that its state's late primary may play a role in the presidential sweepstakes.

While the PHB ponders what to do with its vote, it naturally thought about the candidates' positions on "population health." 

In no particular order and as a public service to the campaigns' search for talking points (and "dog whistles"), the PHB offers the following statements for their consideration, just in case the topic comes up......

Mr. Trump: Believe me, I've studied this far greater than anyone else and population health would have terrible ratings if it weren't for me.

Bonus question on electronic health records (EHRs): We have to EHR how bad it was a disastrous deal amateur hour believe me.

Mr. Cruz: The words "population" and "health" do not appear in the U.S. Constitution and this will end on day 1 when I become president.

Bonus question on EHRs: I cannot find the letters "e," "h" or "r" in the U.S. Constitution either, and it's not just because of the handwriting.

Mr. KasichWe did population health in Ohio when I was governor and while I chaired the Ways and Means Committee in Congress

Bonus question on EHRs: We did EHRs in Ohio and while I chaired the Ways and Means Committee in Congress.

Ms. ClintonWe will build on the success of Obamacare by investing in population health through legislation that offers a tax credit to offset its cost that will be available through the exchange to assure that all families will not exceed a premium threshold under current law while incentivizing expansions of the program through all 50 states with a matching initiative over several years.

Bonus question on EHRs: I never knowingly sent confidential patient information or received anything marked HIPAA protected at any time. But under my plan, physicians will be able to use private email accounts to communicate with their patients.

Mr. Sanders: Population health, like a college education, solar power and frozen yogurt is a basic human right.

Bonus question on EHRs: That too.

Not to be undone, two other recent fixtures in the PHB television universe have weighed in on population health....

Charles Barkley (taking a break from his half-time college basketball commentary): It's turrible that people see that (unintelligible) Krispy Kreme that don't understand how if (unintelligible) people have eaten too much.

Joanna Gains of HGTV's Fixer Upper (a PHB spouse refuge from the TV craziness): Let's face it: Fixer-uppering chronic conditions with population health is possible with the affordable use of vintage twists that accent an existing space and give an illusion of depth with a favorite hue.  Try some mottos, mirrors and oversize remnants that group together and transform drabness to healthiness.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Can Salt Increase Calorie Intake?

The debate rages on over whether dietary salt (NaCl) increases the risk of cardiovascular events, with no clear answer in sight.  Yet few people are paying attention to another, more insidious effect of salt: it may increase our calorie intake, and eventually, the size of our waistlines.


Humans are born with specific hard-wired food motivations, which guide us to food properties that kept our ancestors alive and fertile in times past.  We have an instinctive attraction to sweetness because, in the world of our ancestors, it indicated ripe fruit or honey-- both important sources of calories and other nutrients.  Most of the other food properties we're instinctively drawn to, such as starch, fat, and glutamate, signify high-calorie foods.

Yet one of our hard-wired food motivations stands out from the rest: our attraction to salt.  Since salt is calorie-free, salt appetite is one of the few instinctive food drives that doesn't relate directly to acquiring calories.  Interestingly, salt is the only essential micronutrient (vitamin/mineral) we can taste at the concentrations normally found in food.  Not only our brains, but also our tongues, are hard-wired to seek salt above all other micronutrients.

Read more »

The Latest Health Wonk Review Is Up!

This HWR is timed with the sixth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act.  Topics include narrow networks, assisted suicide, misprescribing, balance billing, healthcare workplace violence, moonshots and the controversies over morcellation.

No association, or cause and effect?  You be the judge!

Monday, 21 March 2016

There are No Free Rides to Fitness

Nothing happens without putting in some effort.  Sorry, no free rides to fitness. The choice is ours to make and we must accept the consequences of that decision.  We can either choose to be miserable and unhealthy or healthy and happy.  Our body will represent our choices.  The answer seems so simple but many fight being healthy tooth and nail.  People somehow feel it's a burden and ruins all the fun in life.  Really?!

How is feeling sick, tired, and in pain all the time a fun daily existence?  Doesn't sound like a party I want to attend.  Why is offering up some time, sweat and healthy food looked upon as the worst thing ever?  Let's wake up America and embrace loving our body with what needs to be done.

Fitness happens when we make it a priority, feed our body the right stuff, and exercise a few times per week.  It's not rocket science nor does it cost lots of money.  There's also room for indulgence, rest and play.  The vicious rumors of fitness not being fun are myths.  The quick fix marketing schemes blasted everywhere want you to believe these myths to get their hands on your hard earned cash.  Sadly, consumers fall for the unregulated snake oil companies are serving up with a smile.  Fitness isn't about quick anything but a lifestyle of consistent healthy habits.

Ready for the fitness secret not a secret?  Get your backside to the gym and workout, eat some greens, grains, lean meat, and drink lots of water.  This is the payment for health and fitness.  Not hard and actually enjoyable once you get your mind right.  Also, if you want a cookie, eat a darn cookie.  Being fit is not a brutal life of diets and exercise punishment.  On the contrary, it's working out and eating right because it makes us feel good and healthy.   Straight talk but all in fitness love. Be well and Stay Healthy!

Want more fitness info? Head on over and read some of my recent articles: "You Can Get Lean Eating Full Fat Foods"  and "6 Clean Eating Myths You Should Stop Believing".  You will definitley find something nutrition or fitness related that's on your mind.
More Helpful Reads!

Thanks for stopping by my Blog and don't forget to subscribe below to never miss a free update!

Darla Leal, Fit-over-50

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Busting Through the Healthcare Performance Frontier

The costs of business performance - for example, customer delight, reputational excellence, high worker satisfaction, workplace safety, leadership diversity, environmental sustainability or reducing social disparities - are typically viewed through the lens of a zero-sum game. 

In this classic world view, achieving profitability means cutting performance, while pursuing high performance reduces profits. The relationship between the two variables can be displayed as a curve:

Population Health Blog readers can find out more about this here.

Most firms in the real world operate on the "A" curve.  Different firms under different circumstances make dozens, if not hundreds, of decisions on a day-to-day basis involving trade-offs that move them along the curve that extends along the profitability and performance continuum.

Examples of healthcare companies that moved up on the curve at the expense of performance include the Veterans Administration and Turing Pharmaceuticals.  At the other end of the curve, the understandable unwillingness of some hospitals to walk away from their community service obligations may have led them to bankruptcy.

The "B" curve represents the theoretical limit for greater profitability and performance using the current business model.  In other words, as companies maximize all opportunities and minimize all inefficiencies in their existing business models, they can move the curve up and to the right.  That is what all management, executives and boards can define and aspire to.  That "B" curve is known as the "performance frontier."

Examples of healthcare companies that moved toward the "B" curve? You can find more about them here.  If they're hospitals, they fill beds with short lengths of stay and high patient satisfaction.  If they're clinics, they maximize billing revenue and minimize waiting lists.  If they're an ACO, they manage risk by contracting for an actuarially optimum population while pursuing the Triple Aim.
The "C" curve beyond the established frontier is what becomes possible with transformational innovation, superb leadership or both. Examples outside of healthcare include Apple under Steve Jobs and Tesla under Elon Musk. Firms that create value by inspiring employees, new products and innovative processes not only benefit from even greater profitability, but offer enhanced performance

In "C" level healthcare settings, the top-line growth and decreasing costs would be accompanied by better measures of customer/patient well-being, community burden of disease, worker engagement, leadership diversity and improvements in social determinants of health.

While the Population Health Blog eagerly awaits reports of frontier-busting healthcare providers, it offers a few observations:

1. Healthcare organizations have generally not done a good job in defining and measuring their performance metrics.  They've also not made them part of the C-suite's DNA or placed them prominently on their governing boards' agendas. If they did, breakthroughs would become more likely.

2. The EHR's primary functions of billing and documentation will never get healthcare organizations to the C curve.  This is not part of a breakthrough strategy.

3. In contrast, big data, risk stratification, mHealth and machine intelligence have the economic/business potential to identify risk, channel the right care, circumvent high cost service options and rationalize decision-making, but could also increase performance through the engagement of consumers, increasing access to more care options, reducing disparities and minimizing provider busywork.  These are the ingredients for a breakthrough to C-curve level performance that is only just beginning.

4. By the way, another ingredient for high healthcare provider performance can be found here.

5. Last but not least, the leadership of many innovative health technology companies already intuit much of this.  They're looking for partners that are not just looking for "B" level performance, but want to bust through the performance frontier. 

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Don't Fall for Fake Health Food

Health food marketing is big business and just so happens to put me on a ranting soap box.  We have been hit hard with "no fat, no sugar", gluten free and now unhealthy organics are making headway. Whatever current health food trend is happening, food companies are figuring out ways to sell, sell sell.  Come on now, organic Ruffles, Doritos and Cheese Puffs?  Really!?

Even worse, consumers believe them to be healthy and loading grocery carts full of unhealthy organic food items.  Chips are chips, organic or not and probably one of the worst things to put in your body.  Other food items try to squeak by stating they are minimally processed, but processed is processed.  Store shelves are lined with convenient organic items and granted some may be fabulous, but most are not.  The ingredients tell the real story for anything in a box, bag or wrapper.  If you can't understand or pronounce what's on the ingredient label, you better believe it's a chemical sh*t storm.

Many fitness enthusiasts rely on protein and energy bars.  Have you looked at those labels?  You just as well picked up a Snickers Bar.  Health bars are also available in organic versions now but does it make them any better?  Probably pesticide wise, but nutrients remain the same.  Rely on the ingredient label and look for understandable quality food.  Less ingredients is more when it comes to packaged products.

We can't fall for fake health food marketing schemes anymore.  Eating a bag of organic chips post workout isn't muscle recovery food.  Reaching for that energy bar may not be the best choice, and forget the organic pasta.  Real organic food is just that ... real in it's raw state.  Sometimes organics can even look ugly with blemishes and it ripens quickly.  We need to get back to and understand real and whole organic food is what will keep us healthy.  We obtain optimal fitness, improved athletic performance, fat loss and muscle gain when we feed our body the good stuff.  Just because the label says organic, fat free, gluten free or any "free" doesn't mean healthy.  Be a wise shopper and eat what you understand. Keep it real and Stay Healthy!

Don't miss reading my newly released articles "What Your Poo Says About You" written by Dr. Alison Chen, ND and "Food Quality Counts More than Calories".  The site is full or informative reads to help you with your fitness goals.
Read My Articles

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Be well and Stay Healthy!

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

A Free Issue of Research Digest is a website that provides unbiased information on supplements and nutrition.  They publish the Research Digest (ERD), which reviews the latest studies in these areas.  I like ERD because it does a nice job of curating recent science, making it understandable and engaging for a broad audience, and explaining important background information.  They have no conflicts of interest because they don't sell anything except information.  I've been a scientific reviewer for ERD since the beginning. is celebrating its fifth anniversary today.  To celebrate, they offered to put together a custom issue of ERD using five of my favorite articles.  I chose articles I thought my audience would enjoy.  You can download your free copy here (PDF).

If you like it and decide you want to sign up for ERD, there is a link in the PDF, or you can visit this page.  They're having a sale today, so if you're thinking about joining, today is a good choice.  If you purchase through the links I provided, you'll be supporting Whole Health Source at no extra cost to yourself.

If you already have ERD, let me know how you like it in the comments.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Communicating about equity in HIA

A great resource from SOPHIA:

The SOPHIA Equity Working Group has just released Communicating about Equity in HIA: A Guide for Practitioners
HIAs provide an opportunity to advance equity, but practitioners often struggle with how to effectively and strategically communicate about this core value of HIA. An effective approach to communication, including crafting a purposeful plan for the content and presentation of the HIA report and other materials, is fundamental to ensuring that HIAs can impact policies and support change.
This guide intends to aid HIA practitioners in their efforts to communicate about equity as an essential step towards advancing equity through practice.

Link to document

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Karma Does Apply to Your Fitness

Karma basically means whatever you do will come back to you.  So, if you're doing good things, good things happen in return and vice versa. The whole reap what you sow philosophy.  I happen to believe in karma and it helps me let go of things out of my control when it comes to others.  The thing about karma is there are consequences to treating others and yourself badly.  It will eventually come back to bite you in the butt.  If you are avoiding your health, eating poorly, and living a sedentary lifestyle, well guess what? I call that karma fitness.

Being lied to for example sucks and speaks more about the person doing the action, but guess what ... karma.   Are you lying to yourself about your fitness and treating your body badly?  Are you stumbling for reasons, excuses and validation for your behavior?  Do you really want to eventually suffer the consequences of bad ju-ju all over your fitness?  We may not be able to control other people, but we can sure control our own karma when it comes to getting healthy.

You get what you give.  Your body wants to be treated well, fed right and exercised regularly.  You have a trusting relationship with your body and want that to remain intact.  Becoming self-absorbed by not providing the TLC your body is worthy of will do nothing but destroy a once healthy relationship.  Then there are the ugly consequences.  Your body will definitely let you know it's being treated like crap.  Increased stress, illness and obesity are just a few ways bad fitness karma will come calling.  It's time to get real with yourself and start doing the good your body needs and deserves.  Straight talk but all in fitness love!  Be well and Stay Healthy.

Are you reading my fitness and sport nutrition articles?  Grab some coffee or tea and head on over for new content "Milk Protein Found Superior for Muscle Growth" and "Why Studies Favor Eating Protein All Day Long" .  Take some time to peruse the site for other reads specific to your fitness goals.

Thanks for stopping by my Blog and don't forget to subscribe and never miss a free update!

Darla Leal, Fit-over-50

Friday, 4 March 2016

Turn Your Brain Back On and Stop Mindless Eating

Mindless eating is ugly and what it does to your body is even worse.  We are
walking around with our brains turned off and grabbing whatever food items in our grazing path.  No rhyme or reason but doing an auto-pilot action of putting something in our face. You know the glazed over look watching TV and mowing through a whole bag of chips. How about the work break room crap we bring to our desks and continue back for more as we plug away at our computers. We're not hungry, not thinking but we're surely eating ... and it's not good.

What the heck is going on and why?  It's no wonder America is plagued with the highest obesity rate and enormous doctor bills for self-induced illness.  Mindless eating needs to stop and instead have enough self-respect to take care of our bodies.  Living to eat is not what life is all about but eating to live, and this does not include processed "fake" food.

Emotional eating can play a role in the whole mindless eating issue, and I would recommend getting to the bottom of what is going on internally.  There is no amount of tasty donuts or pizza fixing an emotional problem.  What it will do is add fat to your body and another reason to be stressed.  Seek out professional help, go to a counselor, see a minister or talk to a trusted friend.

Most of the time, mindless eating is done out of habit and convenience.  If it's there, put it in your face and so on.  We're the true "Walking Dead" existing in our zombie like state and feasting on gross things doing gross things to our body. It's time to turn your brain back on and break unhealthy habits.  

Start the process of mindful eating by doing food inventory.  Toss the junk food in the frig and pantry and replace it with healthy "real" food.   Get off your butt and start working out instead of sitting on it so much.  Stop blaming your spouse, significant other, friends or circumstances for mindless eating.  Just because someone in your home brings in crap food doesn't mean you have to eat it.  

We have choices and mindless eating is like being brain dead.  Wake the hell up and take responsibility for what you're doing.  Get your sh*t together and start thinking before eating.  Make a plan to eat healthy and stick to it.  Keep a food journal and be honest with yourself.  Turn your mindless into mindful eating and you will start down a path to a healthier you.  Straight talk but all in fitness love! Be well and Stay Healthy. 

Read my current articles on eating for the body you want and put the information into practice!
Achieve Your Best Body with Sports Nutrition

Eat Your Way to a Beach Ready Body

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