Thursday, 28 March 2013

HIA Gateway moving and changing but still staying the same

Fro Dr Sue Wright, HIA Gateway Manager:

The HIA Gateway is moving. It is part The Network of Public Health Observatories group (this was previously known as the Association of Public Health Observatories) but from 1st April the website (including myself) is moving into an executive agency of the Department of Health, called Public Health England (PHE). The HIA Gateway will become part of the PHE portal (website) and this in turn will be accessed from the English Government Domain website: . This means that the HIA Gateway is now secure for the foreseeable future.

The term "HIA Gateway" will remain but may become "PHE HIA Gateway" or Public Health England HIA Gateway and existing URLs for the HIA Gateway will still be operational and you will be redirected to the HIA Gateway landing page on the PHE portal.

I am unclear at this stage if the monthly emails will still be sent out nor if and how people will be able to register with the HIA Gateway alone. Registration with the HIA Gateway has ensured you receive a monthly email listing recent resources added to the website.

I will also be contacting those people on the People’s Directoryand Contractor’s Directory in the near future to check if they wish to remain on the HIA Gateway now it has moved into PHE.

Thank you for your continuing support and if you have any HIAs or other resources you think relevant to the practice of HIA, MWIA or any other health related Impact Assessment, do please forward these on to me (or if you prefer links to these).

Take home key points:
  • The HIA Gateway will become a formalised part of the new national public health agency of England.
  • will still direct you to the HIA Gateway site as it currently does. 
  • Those using the existing actual URL should check to ensure that they have updated the URL to the new one generated when the site becomes a micro-site of the larger Public Health England website or use
  • Please continue to email Sue with your HIAs and other resources so she can put them on the site.

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